I'm convinced that there is a conspiracy. We always seem to have perfect gardening weather on the days that I have to sleep because I am working those nights. Then on the days I am not working and can be awake during the day, the weather turns beastly. The thermometer in my car said it was 97F (36C) this afternoon. I managed to get some weeding and trimming done, but I have to admit I took my time with the laundry today so I could linger in the basement where it was cool. Even the cat was sprawled on the cool cement floor.
The daylilies are putting on a spectacular show. They have really taken off since the brush was removed from the other side of the fence and the drought ended. I thought getting more light would be good for them, but now I am in doubt. The clump is located on the edge of the shady garden. One would think the clump would expand towards the sunny side of the border. Instead, it is expanding into the shady garden. Very strange.
The Citronella lilies are blooming. They are new for me this year. I love them. I still have hopes that the other lilies I planted will eventually come up. I have had lots of seeds germinate the following year or even two years after I planted them. I have my fingers crossed that bulbs will do the same.
The last clump of Japanese iris is blooming. It does this every year. It's always the last iris to bloom. It waits until all of the other iris is finished blooming almost as if it didn't want any competition and wanted to be adored by itself. I have some very weird plants in my garden. They say people and their pets resemble each other. I wonder if it is true about gardeners and their gardens.
In the Purple garden, some non-purple flowers are blooming, the Picotee cosmos and Shasta daisies. I have two clumps of Shasta daisies. I grew the one in the Purple garden from seed. The other clump in the Cosmos garden I purchased as a plant.