A Gardening Year

The adventures and misadventures of an heirloom gardener

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Belated Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

I've decided that the very best thing about spring bulbs is that they survive April showers, including deluges. Other than bowing their heads after being pounded for almost two days with rain, the few plants in my yard that had bloomed before the storm were still intact. And here they are:

Starting in the front of my house, these daffs were here when I moved in. At first they were increasing in number and blooms but the past couple of years they seem to be decreasing. I suppose I should try digging them up and separating them, but I don't know how deep they are or whether doing so would disturb the roots of the hydrangeas. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Last month I had hoped I would be able to tell by this Bloom Day whether or not my new pink daffodils were indeed pink. Thanks to the unseasonably cold weather, I am still in suspense. These are the only buds on 30 bulbs.

Obigatory dandelion photo:

Well, everyone else is doing it. Don't worry, I wouldn't jump off a bridge because everyone else was doing it. I'm afraid of heights, not dandelions.

Moving to the backyard. . .

These hyacinths are petering out after half a dozen years of bloom. I will replace them in the fall, but not with the same type. I want to try what Breck's calls "Festival Hyacinths", hybrids with multiple blossoms and if they are anything like the Little Hyacinth That Could, multiply every year.
And here it is . . . much chewed on by the squirrels, but still going strong, multiplying every year.

Daffodils that are supposed to green, but aren't.

Not sure what kind these are.

Nor this one, growing by my birdbath.

The heirloom Rip Van Winkle were delightful the first year they bloomed but have been bedraggled every year since. I'm not sure why they are so unhappy.

The hellebores that I have moaned about for so many years have been trying to bloom this year but they're having a tough time with the weather and the squirrels.

Here's another crocus growing where I have never planted crocuses (by the daylilies). Maybe I should try snowdrops here too!

Here's the one bright spot in my yard. The Ice Stick tulips in full bloom. Better than last year.

To get an idea of the impact of the cold temperatures this month, here's a comparison with last year:

April 17, 2007

April 15, 2006

Not seen in the photos but also missing this year are violets, primroses, Thalia daffodils, Golden Bells narcissus, unidentified early tulips and Alpine strawberries. All of them are merely foliage just emerging now whereas last year at this time, the were in full bloom.


At 9:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh wow--that comparison picture really is one of those photos worth a thousand words! I'm loving those "Ice Stick' tulips... I think I may "need" some of those this fall. :)

At 9:29 PM, Blogger OldRoses said...

Kim, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! I got them from Breck's. I hope they work out as well for you as they have for me.

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Carol Michel said...

Old Roses, I say you've done quite well with flowers considering what your garden has been through this month. Thanks for participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day! I, too, am struck by the two different photos of the same flower bed. This has NOT been a good spring!

At 5:10 AM, Blogger Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Those 2 pictures of spring flowers explain it all, don't they? Not to worry, for you the best of spring is yet to come.

BTW what a lot of rain you've had these last few days. Over here we've had no rain at all for weeks now, which is very unusual.

At 6:42 AM, Blogger A wildlife gardener said...

I hope the weather starts to improve for you and your garden.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Naturegirl said...

The comparison photos is amazing I think we all are experiencing the same barren/brown looking gardens this year!I think mother nature is reminding us all to take global warming seriously! The dandelion knows the warm spots to sprout among the cement that retains the heat...that is the observation I have made in my walkabout looking for spring blossoms for my Bloom day post!happy blooming hugs NG

At 12:06 PM, Blogger OldRoses said...

NatureGirl, I agree! Global warming means weather extremes, both hot AND cold.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Ki said...

Congratulations on getting the award for Best Gardening Website of the Year. Richly deserved for all the work you've put into it.

The ice stick tulip look very interesting. But your poor hellebores look exactly like ours. This was an especially tough year for them.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Colleen Vanderlinden said...

Your comparison photos really make me feel a lot better about how little I have blooming. Now I'm pretty sure that my garden isn't cursed :-)

I agree...maybe I should have focused more on my winter sowing containers for bloom day. Although, I did end up losing a few after the cold snap, and we had wind last night that knocked two containers over....although I'm still faring better than I could have hoped for my first year. I hope yours are still doing well!

At 2:23 PM, Blogger OldRoses said...

Ki, I haven't won yet, just nominated. Be sure get your vote in, hopefully for Garden Voices!

Colleen, I was afraid that my containers would be flooded inside with all the rain, but they look okay. I was fortunate and didn't get a lot of wind.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger David (Snappy) said...

Its amazing the difference one year makes.Its been a tough spring for your flowers, lets hope the summer brings you more joy!
You do have a few flowers to look at though.maybe 2008 will be better spring weather.


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