A Gardening Year

The adventures and misadventures of an heirloom gardener

Monday, April 02, 2007

First Daffodils of 2007 (a little late)

Like every other gardener, I am frantically busy. I almost forgot to note the first daffodils of spring 2007:

I actually noticed them on March 30 or 31 but didn't get around to photographing them until today. These are in the front of my house in the same area as the first crocus of Spring 2007. Must be because they are next to the foundation and get sun most of the day warming the soil and encouraging the bulbs to get an early start.

In my own defense, when I checked my entries for previous springs, I only noted the first crocus. By the time the daffodils began blooming in April I was always too busy to post about the first one. I only noted the new ones I had planted or did a whole bunch at once.

Switching gears, last year I gave away a lot of the lavender iris that I had found here, divided and replanted around the yard looking for the spot it liked best. It liked all of them and after more than a decade, I found myself knee deep in lavender iris. I wanted to "diversify my holdings" and plant something besides lavender (bearded) iris and Japanese iris. I dug up a lot of the lavender iris and gave it away to some newbie gardeners as well as some of my Master Gardener buddies. One of the Master Gardeners misunderstood me and thought I wanted to TRADE iris. She took a huge bunch and in return gave me an enormous quantity of Japanese iris! I managed to find homes for most of it. The rest I took home and shoved into some pots while I pondered what to do with it.

It sat in those pots, looking sad, by the side of my house all fall. Winter came and I had given up trying to figure out what to do with it. I wrote it off figuring it would never survive the winter exposed like it was. Along about January, the proverbial lightbulb went off over my head and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with all that Japanese iris. But was it too late? I've waited and watched for months. Boy, was I glad to see this:

It did survive and I now have the beginnings of another garden. Details to come later . . .


At 1:02 AM, Blogger Sylvana said...

I love your daffodils.

I have crocuses blooming right now but no daffodils.

I have a bucket of irises that I forgot about in the fall. I'm pretty sure they are goners because there wasn't any drainage in the bucket, but I'm still keeping an eye on them - irises are pretty hardy.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger OldRoses said...

Sylvana, at least they're in the bucket. As you can see from the photo, my iris is just resting on top of the pots! I didn't think they could survive with their roots exposed like that.

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Digital Flower Pictures said...

Japanese Iris are one of my favorite. Take my advice and don't get bit by the collecting bug ;-) Thanks for the Daff picture we don't have any of those yet.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger OldRoses said...

Too late! I ordered bearded, English and miniature iris for fall planting last year. So far the squirrels seemed to have gotten all of the English and miniature iris. Three out of the four bearded iris appear to have made it through the winter. I have my eye on some Dutch iris for this fall. And did you know that there is Spanish iris? I may try some of that too!


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