A Gardening Year

The adventures and misadventures of an heirloom gardener

Friday, March 30, 2007

Winter Sowing Update

So far, my wintersown seeds have been doing very well. I've started a new spreadsheet on the the germination dates so I can compare from year to year when various seeds germinated. Today, two more containers are showing green: Nicotiana sylvestris and Snapdragon "Black Prince". I've direct sown both of these in prior years with no success so I'm happy to see them. The snapdragons are destined for my new Butterfly/Hummingbird Garden. The nicotiana will be planted in the bed along the Ugly Green Fence.

Winter Sowing Sprouts!
Bachelor's Buttons
Cleome "White Queen"
Cosmos "Seashells"
Nicotiana alata “Lime Green”
Nicotiana sylvestris
Snapdragon "Black Prince"
Verbena bonariensis
Wild Purple Foxglove


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations, OR! :) My wintersown verbena bonariensis seems to have overwintered this year... hmm...

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very happy to read your success. Winter Sowing can make your garden and brain go vroommmm. This is your first year and the rest are just gonna get better and better.



At 9:28 PM, Blogger Sylvana said...

I need to try this winter sowing thing. I spend way too much on plants each year that I know I could just grow myself if I had enough room.


At 12:44 AM, Blogger OldRoses said...

Thanks, Trudi! Now for the hard part. Keeping them alive and growing until they are ready to go into the garden. I'm not sure yet when to enlarge the ventilation hole. It's still pretty cold here at night.


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