A Gardening Year

The adventures and misadventures of an heirloom gardener

Friday, March 23, 2007


I love snowdrops. They are very dainty and appear to be delicate. They are much tougher than they look, however. They grow and bloom in the coldest and snowiest of weather. They give me hope that my long wait is nearly over. It won't be long before I am released from my imprisonment indoors and can once more spend hours playing in my gardens.

I first fell in love with snowdrops at my previous home. In the neighborhood was a tiny old house that had an enormous patch of snowdrops in one corner of the front yard. They had obviously been planted years ago and since multiplied. When they bloomed, they seemed to light up the entire yard. Just looking at them made me smile.

I've tried and tried to duplicate that patch at both my previous house and this one with no luck. I just can't seem to get snowdrops to grow, let alone multiply. I have planted them literally all over my yard in the hopes of finding at least one spot that they liked. No luck. Two years ago, I decided to change tactics and try planting a different type of snowdrop: double snowdrops. Even worse. They didn't grow at all.

I had completely forgotten about them until yesterday. I was walking past the bed I had planted them in on my way to check my winter sowing containers when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, a single snowdrop!

Hope springs eternal. If I have suddenly developed a green thumb with indoor plants, maybe I will also start to have better luck with snowdrops.


At 5:06 AM, Blogger Rosengeranium said...

Congratulations! There's nothing like finally succeeding in growing a loved plant. I hope your snowdrops will multiply exponentially!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger RUTH said...

What an exciting find! We started off with just a few snowdrops, by slowly digging up small clumps and transplanting them "in the green" (they take better this way) we soon over a few years created quite a show.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger KC MO Garden Guy said...

Congrats!! I haven't tried snow drops yet but I was reading the Iowa Gardeners blog where he was showing his off and they look like something I could plant in my woodland garden. Good job finally getting them to grow.

At 12:31 AM, Blogger Sylvana said...

I haven't had any luck with snowdrops and had given up on them. You have inspired me to give them another try!

At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those tricky little devils I always see the leaves in and around my garden. But I rarely ever see the flowers. Yours are beautiful:)

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Naturegirl said...

So delicate!Humm a thought for next Spring..I.m looking at the melted snow (((finally)))Happy gardening this year..of course you have grown green thumbs! hugs NG

At 10:22 AM, Blogger ACey said...

Glad to hear this success story. I planted some double snowdrops two years back and haven't seen any sign of them yet. But this posting has encouraged me to try again and have more patience.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger OldRoses said...

Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement. I'm having better luck with crocuses. Check out my next Green Thumb Sunday post!


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