A Gardening Year

The adventures and misadventures of an heirloom gardener

Monday, April 02, 2007

Buying Spree

I went on a buying spree yesterday. After a quick stop at home to drop off the african violets, I headed over to Lowe's to get some of that "stuff" to fill all the nail holes in the walls of my back entry before I paint it. The nice man at Lowe's informed me that the correct technical term for the "stuff" is spackle. I learn something new every day!

Since the squirrels got all of the snowdrops and crocuses that I had planted in my Entry Garden, I'm dying for color in my front yard. Lowe's had pansies as far as the eye could see. In all sorts of containers. I couldn't resist this container:

I love the shape. Most of them had all-purple or all-yellow or both in them. I managed to get the last one with multi-colored pansies. It looks very festive. They also had lavender:

I was able to replace the Provence lavender that didn't make it last summer in my Herb Bed for Master Gardener class. The Grosso lavender lived and was transplanted into the Entry Garden. I had left space for the Provence. Now that space is filled.

I suppose you are wondering what I plan on doing with the petunias I brought home from Rutgers Gardens? The coleus and begonias are easy to guess. They're going into the container I bought last year for the coleus I cuttings I brought home from Rutgers Gardens (do you see a pattern developing here?). But petunias need sun, you say. Correct! I bought another container at Lowe's yesterday. Since nothing has grown well on the other side of my front steps after it was dug up to replace the sewer line six years ago, I opted for a hanging basket suspended from a small crook (also purchased yesterday). My front yard is "lopsided". I have a tree on one side so it shades that part of the house. The other side of my symmetrical cape cod house gets full sun. Hence the need for both shade plants and sun-lovers.

And I solved the shortage of space on my windowsills: I bought brackets so I can hang some of my houseplants inside.

Lowe's loves me.


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Rosengeranium said...

Both shade and sun! Lucky you! Doubles the amount of possible plants as well as the reasons to have a shopping spree :-) .

At 2:33 PM, Blogger OldRoses said...

Rosengeranium, I hadn't thought of it that way. I always looked at it that my gardens couldn't be symmetrical. Thanks for pointing out the silver lining!

At 11:36 PM, Blogger LostRoses said...

I like your selections, very cheerful colors! I really want to plant some blue pansies among my daffodils after seeing a really nice photo of them mixed together that someone (can't remember who - too many blogs!) posted recently.

I don't dare go near Lowe's for them, I'll end up with a carful of other goodies!

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Kerri said...

I can't wait to go plant shopping...it's so hard to contain oneself in a nursery, or anywhere plants are for sale, isn't it?
I'm hoping to get in some volunteer time at my favorite local nursery soon. Like you, I'll get a few free plants too. I love free plants!! :)

At 10:04 PM, Blogger OldRoses said...

LostRoses, ooooh, blue pansies with daffodils. Sounds dreamy!

Kerri, I'm waiting for the wonderful Home Depot sales on roses. They always have marvelous selection of heirloom roses.


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