The forecasters finally got it right. They were predicting 3 to 6 inches (7.5 cm - 15 cm) of snow for Central NJ overnight. I got at least that. Judge for yourself. This is what my birdbath looked like:

Luckily I got home from work before the plow came through so I was able to get my car into my driveway. After I finished shovelling, I checked the feeders. I felt terrible when I saw all the tracks. The snow had covered the seed that I throw on the ground for the groundfeeders. I should have tended to the birdfeeders before I shovelled out. I refilled everything and headed off to bed. I had to shovel out the end of the driveway when I got up this evening so I can get my car out to go to work tonight. It wasn't nearly as easy as this morning. The heavy, wet snow the plow piled into the end of my driveway had frozen. I found myself breaking it into pieces and throwing them rather than shovelling them.
I would still much rather be dealing with snow than extreme cold.
I also felt bad when I let my bird feeders go and the big snow came. I filled my seed feeder and my suet feeder this weekend and assauged my conscience.
Don't you just love the first good snow? Everything is so white and clean looking even if you have to shovel it.
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