A Gardening Year

The adventures and misadventures of an heirloom gardener

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wintersowing Update

I’m falling behind with my wintersowing updates. Boring for readers but a treasure trove of information for me in the future so please bear with me.

March 21, Good Friday – St. John’s Chamomile. Hmmmm, I wonder if there is some kind of significance there. This will be planted in the Accidental Herb Garden.

The following day, March 22 two violas, Historic Florist Mix and Bowles Black made their debuts. Both of these are new for me. The Bowles Black is meant for the new shade bed I am creating on the shady side of the front of my house. The Historic Florist Mix violas are from Select Seeds and described as “…sprightly smaller pansies with expressive whiskery faces and a light sweet fragrance are just what you are looking for if the six pack specials of huge floppy sort just don't tickle your fancy. Called tufted pansies way back in the 1800's.” They will be taking their chances in the infamous Entry Garden.

Same day, March 22, another new one for me, chives that I grew from seed I collected from the herb bed at Rutgers Gardens. They were a late, unplanned addition so I haven’t thought about where to plant them. Most likely they will end up in the Accidental Herb Garden.

On Easter Sunday, March 23, the first larkspur germinated. They are Giant Imperial and include two All-America Selections winners, 'Blue Bell', a pastel blue from 1934, and 'White King' from 1937. Unlike most gardeners who consider larkspur almost a weed, I have never been able to successfully grow them. I have my fingers crossed that wintersowing is the answer because I love delphinium but delphinium do not love the hot NJ summers. Larkspur will just have to substitute.

Finally, today, the Maltese Cross (Lychnis chalcedonica) seeds sprouted. I tried direct sowing them last year in the Butterfly/Hummingbird garden but got nary a leaf. This is another one that I am hoping wintersowing will be the answer. And another new flower for me.

Come to think of it, that’s a lot of new stuff for someone whose theme this year is “Back to Basics”. I just can’t seem to stop myself from trying new flowers. In my own defense, I have to point out that they may be new to me but they are all classic, easy to grow cottage garden flowers.


At 8:31 AM, Blogger Tina said...

Wow, lucky you!
I'm still staring at jugs with a fresh 4 inch coating of snow. ~sigh~
The Maltese Cross will do well for you, I should think. I'll be waiting on mine to bloom for the first time this year. Well, if the white crap ever leaves!

I'm glad you're updating. It's great to be able to look back on the previous years and see what sprouted when and how well it ultimately does. Besides, it gives me hope that the green wave will eventualy head in my direction. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm not still jealous. ;)


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