A Gardening Year

The adventures and misadventures of an heirloom gardener

Friday, June 01, 2007

Instant Color

Like every other suburbanite in New Jersey, I spent Memorial Day buying flowers. Petunias for the hanging baskets I had purchased at Lowes:

Do you see the problem? I didn’t until I got them home and was looking for a place to store them until it was time to plant them. Those cute little things on the bottom make it impossible to rest them on anything. They’ve been hanging in my basement until now. Fortunately, I had planned on two at two different heights. Tall, for the side of my house and short for next to my porch.

To plant them, I hung the baskets, one at a time, from the shorter hook. It was an awkward height for me, a little too short to work comfortably, but I got the job done and learned my lesson. Beautiful is not always practical.

For the little stand I planted New Guinea impatiens, new for me.

You’re wondering about the orange one, aren’t you? Why not purple to match the petunias just a few feet away? Because I made an impulse purchase. My original plan was to color coordinate all of the flowers in containers around my house. And then I saw these:

An entire flat of red and orange impatiens. The porch on the side of my house sits in deep shade most of the day. The temptation to fill the boxes with strong colors was irresistible. Hence the orange New Guinea impatien. It’s my lame attempt to make a color transition from pastels to a stronger color.

And don’t forget, right below the tall hanging basket is the red General Jac imposter. And the strawberry jar filled with nasturtiums. So in a way it does all go together. Sort of. Next year, I swear, I will have a coordinated color scheme. I’m going to move the rosebush. I’m toying with different ideas of what to replace it with. And I’ll plant something different in the strawberry jar.
In the meantime, while my entry garden remains stubbornly green, my house is surrounded by containers full of brightly colored flowers.


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Naturegirl said...

What I do with these decorative hangers is I place it on top of a
large~empty~ clay pot same circumference and plant away!Perfect to hold the hanger while you arrange plant material!That little decorative piece just sits in the open pot.hugs NG

At 12:32 AM, Blogger LostRoses said...

To heck with color coordination, OldRoses! If you'd stuck with your original plan, you wouldn't have those gorgeous glowing colors, would you?

I love the containers with the decorative thingie on the bottom, and naturegirl is very clever to think of an easy method to plant them!

At 1:39 AM, Blogger OldRoses said...

Naturegirl, thanks! I have the perfect pot.

Lostroses, I'm glad to find someone else who likes "quirky".

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Jane O' said...

As far as I am concerned, no perennial garden is complete without some annuals to fill in the color gaps. Your impatines will be full and beautiful all summer long.
Thanks, Nature Girl, for the suggestion. I had the same problem.

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Digital Flower Pictures said...

It's funny that I picked up some Petunias and Impatients on Saturday. I have had the strangest urge to grow some Petunias this year and when I get a feeling like that I usually go with it.

Sometimes a bold stroke of color is it's own color scheme. I think it will look nice.


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