A Gardening Year

The adventures and misadventures of an heirloom gardener

Friday, May 27, 2005

They're not all purple

I forgot to post a couple of pictures yesterday. A little variety from all the purple flowers. I have posted a picture already from 2003 of the lavender and yellow iris clump. It is huge this year with lots of flowers. There were more, but the rabbit/squirrel ate half a dozen. The lavender iris is from the original clump that was growing here when I moved in. The yellow iris is from a fellow gardener who found it growing at his house when he moved in and was generous enough to share some with me.

Still blooming from earlier this month is the fernleaf bleeding heart. They are not a big favorite of mine but unlike the old-fashioned bleeding heart which blooms and then dies back until the following year, the fernleaf will continue blooming all summer. Finding something to fill the space occupied by the old-fashioned bleeding heart after it dies back has been challenging. This year I planted Joe-Pye Weed . It came in the form of a root and has remained in the form of a root. Apparently it has elected not to grow.

Another challenge has been trying to vary the colors in the semi-shady garden. It is dominated by pink. I'm trying a yellow perennial foxglove this year . I love foxglove, but haven't had any luck growing it from seed. I splurged and bought the yellow foxglove as a plant. So far, it is doing well although it doesn't look like it will bloom this year. I also have seeds for wild purple foxglove which I will be planting both in the purple garden and in the new wildflower garden. There is conflicting advice as to when to plant the seeds. Some say to plant the seeds in the spring and others say to plant it in the summer. I have tried the spring with no success so I am going to try waiting a little longer this year. My biggest question is: when is "summer"?


At 2:13 AM, Blogger Sylvana said...

Fox glove is a biennial. You are supposed to plant them in early July-early August. They will grow foliage this year, then bloom and die back the following. If you plant them too soon, they will be out of sync.

At 8:21 AM, Blogger OldRoses said...

I knew they were biennial, I've just been confused about when to plant the seeds. It makes sense to wait until later in the season when the plant would be dropping its seeds naturally. Honestly, some these so-called "experts". You have to wonder if they have ever actually grown anything!


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